The amount of water kept locked in the world's glaciers is pretty significant and if it is released can cause a major catastrophe as the Planetary Ocean can could rise up to 1 meter, all just because of the global warming. Just imagine islands paradises, like Maldives and Seychelles, gone for ever below the waters in less than one century ahead. Or imagine the most visited lagoon in the world: Venice - a real wonder of the Italian architects gone for ever beneath the waters. Besides these minor problems let's keep in mind that 25% of the world population lives on the sea shores so imagine what this sea level raise could cause: massive emigrations, hunger, wars, ethnic segregation and who knows what more.
The Earth has a stable climate, but the huge boom of the human population during the last century seems to have destroyed it in the blink of an eye. The melting of the glaciers could cause the climate go wild: with more tropical storms violent than ever, the change of big currents circulation and weather more radical than we were thought to. Global warming could mean arid summers and freezing winter one step ahead in our world's future and with the global population on the rise, the places with good climate will be overpopulated. We are already over 6 billions humans on this planet that once only hosted only a few thousands Hominids. This overpopulation can't bring any good results as the Earth is not expanding or getting more resources each year. The global warming is just one of the side effects of this overpopulation.
13 years ago
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